Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • IHM 2016, Conférence Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine, Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Jury: Wendy Mackay

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • NIME 2016, New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Conference Workshop Chair: Joseph Malloch

  • ACM/CHI 2016, Music and HCI, Conference Workshop Co-Organisers: Wendy Mackay, Joseph Malloch

  • ACM/CHI 2016, Human-Centred Machine Learning, Conference Workshop Co-Organiser: Wendy Mackay

  • ERC CREATIV Workshop CREATIV, Conference Workshop Organiser: Wendy Mackay

  • MOCO 2016, International Symposium on Movement and Computing, Conference Steering Committee member: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • IEEE VR 2016, Virtual Reality Conference: Cédric Fleury

  • GI 2016, Graphics Interface Conference: Cédric Fleury

  • GRAPP 2016, Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: Cédric Fleury

  • 3DCVE 2016, IEEE VR Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments: Cédric Fleury

  • CHI 2017, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy Mackay

  • CHI 2017, ACM UIST User Interface Software and Technology: Wendy Mackay

  • MOCO 2016, International Symposium on Movement and Computing: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • IJHCS International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction: Wendy Mackay

  • ACM CSCW 2016 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Wendy Mackay

  • ACM CHI 2016 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Germán Leiva, Oleksandr Zinenko, Ignacio Avellino, Nolwenn Maudet, Joseph Malloch, Theophanis Tsandilas, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy Mackay, Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • ACM UIST 2016 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: Joseph Malloch, Theophanis Tsandilas, Nolwenn Maudet, Ignacio Avellino, Jessalyn Alvina, Cédric Fleury, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy Mackay

  • UBICOMP 2016, ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • SIGGRAPH Asia 2016: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • ACM MobileHCI 2016, ACM Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services: Jessalyn Alvina

  • IEEE 3DUI 2016, Symposium on 3D User Interfaces: Cédric Fleury

  • IEEE Visualization: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • IHM 2016, Conférence Francophone d’Interaction Homme-Machine: Cédric Fleury

  • WAMCA 2016, Workshop on Applications for Multi-Core Architectures: Oleksandr Zinenko

  • IMPACT 2016, International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques: Oleksandr Zinenko

  • TEI 2016, International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • DIS 2016, Designing Interactive Systems: Sarah Fdili Alaoui


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Editor for the Human-Computer Interaction area of the new ACM Books Series (published with Morgan & Claypool Publishers): Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (2013-)

  • CACM, Communications of the ACM Web Editorial Board, ACM: Wendy Mackay (2008-)

  • CACM Communications of the ACM New Publications Board, ACM: Wendy Mackay (2015-)

  • TOCHI, Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, ACM: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (2009-), Wendy Mackay (2016-)

  • JIPS, Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système, AFIHM: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (2009-)

  • IJHCS, International Journal of Human-Computer Study, Elsevier: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (Member of the Advisory Board, 2009-)

  • JCSCW, Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Springer: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (Member of the Advisory Board, 2010-)

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Computers and Graphics: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • TVCG, Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE: Cédric Fleury

  • UAIS, Universal Access in the Information Society: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • JAISE, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

Invited Talks

  • Beyond Lab: Entre L'Homme et la Machine : Le Défi des Nouvelles Interfaces “Interaction en Grand”, 8 February 2016: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • Beyond Lab: Entre L'Homme et la Machine : Le Défi des Nouvelles Interfaces “Apprentissage Incrémental de Gestes”, 8 February 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • Beyond Lab: Entre L'Homme et la Machine : Le Défi des Nouvelles Interfaces “Movement Connoisseurship for User eXperience in Digital Art and HCI”, 8 February 2016: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • Beyond Lab: Entre L'Homme et la Machine : Le Défi des Nouvelles Interfaces “Papier Interactif pour la Créativité”, 8 February 2016: Theophanis Tsandilas

  • FAST (Fusing Audio and Semantic Techologies for Intelligent Music Production and Consumption) Workshop Paris “Creative Musical Expression with Human-Computer Partnerships”, 15 February 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • ENS Cachan Semainaire d'Informatique “Co-Adaptive Instruments. Can we reinvent the graphical user interface”, 2 March 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • Café Techno – Inria Alumni & NUMA, “Quelles interactions avec le monde numérique de demain ?”, March 2016: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • Les Outils du Design, ENSCI, “Instrumental Interaction”, April 2016: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • École Thématique Maths-Info-HPC, Saint-Germain-au-Mont-d’Or, “Polyhedral Code Transformations via Interactive Visualizations”, 10 May 2016: Oleksandr Zinenko

  • Journée d'étude Scénariser la danse par le numérique, Université de Strasbourg “Étude du mouvement expressif dans les interactions incorporée pour la danse”, 18 May 2016: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • May Residency of the Moving Stories Project, Simon Fraser University “Embodied Interaction for dance and tools for supporting choreography”, 28 May 2016: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • ERC CREATIV Workshop “Creating Human-Computer Partnerships”, 13 June 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • ICCC International Conference on Computational Creativity 2016: ERC Comics Invited Address “Creating CoAdaptive partnerships”, 29 June 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • ENS Paris, “Polyhedral program transformations via interactive visualization”, 1 June 2016: Oleksandr Zinenko

  • ARC Raymond Hains, Ecole Européenne Supérieure Beaux Arts de Rennes, “Construire et déconstruire les logiciels du design”, 11 octobre 2016: Nolwenn Maudet

  • Journée MENESR-EHESS: Coding and computer science in our schools: new ways of learning? “Entre les enfants et les ordinateurs: Human Computer Interaction”, 11 october 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • CM Lab, Tokyo Tech, “Designing Design Tools”, 20 october 2016: Nolwenn Maudet

  • Google Japan, Tokyo, Japan, “Expressive Keyboards: Expressive Keyboards: Enriching Gesture-Typing on Mobile Devices”, 20 October 2016: Jessalyn Alvina

  • Rencontre Inria – Industrie Lille “Interactions avec les objets ! et services numeriques”, 25 November 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • TEDx Saclay, “Dancing in digital”, 30 November 2016: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

  • Rencontres Lurs: “Droit à l'Erreur ”, 25 August 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • UniThé ou Café “Créer des Partenariats Homme-Machine”, 17 November 2016: Wendy Mackay

  • Infomuse, Casa Paganini “Embodied Interaction for dance and tools for supporting choreograph”, 14 Decembre 2016: Sarah Fdili Alaoui

Scientific Expertise

  • European Research Council, Panel member for Starting Grants: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • CNRS Mission pour l'Interdisciplinarité, Panel member for the call “Sciences Sociales et Cognitives des Comportements Collectifs”: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

  • ACM/CHI Best Paper Award Committee “Best Paper Award Committee”: Wendy Mackay

  • ACM/SIGCHI “Lifetime Service Award Committee”: Wendy Mackay

Research Administration

  • Computer Science Department, Université Paris-Saclay: Wendy Mackay (member of steering committee)

  • CNRS, Conseil Scientifique de l'Institut INS2I: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member)

  • Telecom ParisTech: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member of research committee)

  • IRCAM: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member of scientific committee)

  • “Institut de la Société Numérique”, IDEX Laboratory of Université Paris-Saclay: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member of steering committee)

  • “Conseil de Laboratoire”, LRI: Wendy Mackay, Cédric Fleury (members)

  • “Conseil Scientifique”, LRI: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (member)

  • “Commission Locaux”, LRI: Theophanis Tsandilas (member)

  • CCSU, “Commission Consultative de Spécialistes de l'Université”, Computer Science department: Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy Mackay (members)

  • COERLE “Comité Operationnel d'Evaluation des Risques Légaux et Ethiques”, Inria: Wendy Mackay

  • CERNI “Comité d’Ethique pour les Recherches Non Interventionnelles”, Université Paris-Sud: Wendy Mackay

  • “Commission de Développement Technologique”, Inria: Theophanis Tsanidlas (member), until April 2016